3 Day Social Media Branding & Photography Workshop

City Farmhouse Learn and Grow Workshop
City Farmhouse Learn and Grow Workshop

3 Day Social Media Branding & Photography Workshop


Where: City Farmhouse Event Venue

230 Franklin Rd., Ste. 1303
(Factory at Franklin)
Franklin, TN 37064

When: Monday, August 28 | 10 am to 4 pm

Break for Lunch at noon. Lunch will be provided.

Tuesday, August 29 | 6 pm to 9 pm  

Wednesday, August 30 | 6 pm to 9 pm

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3 Day Social Media Branding + Styling & Photography for Social Media Workshop

Monday | August 28 | 10 AM - 4 PM

Capturing Professional Images Using Your Phone

Lead by Melonie and Kelly Langan
Photographers at Kel and Mel

Mel and Kel Photography

"Professional images for social media is right at your fingertips. You don’t need an expensive camera; you can take beautiful photographs right from your phone. With our professional tips you can start capturing compelling images right away with just a little practice."


Styling a Magazine Quality Photograph for Social Media

Lead by Kim Leggett
Interior Designer at City Farmhouse, and author of
City Farmhouse Style

Kim Leggett

"With the right tips of the trade anyone can style a beautiful photograph for social media. The trick is looking at the image through the “camera’s eye”. Why does the camera see things differently than you? Learn how to master the art of designing for the camera."


Tuesday + Wednesday | August 29 +30 | 6 PM - 9 PM

Social Media Branding

Lead by Amanda Lairsey, founder of the Society of Women Business Owners, and Kim Leggettowner of the lifestyle brand, City Farmhouse.

Amanda Lairsey
Kim Leggett

“It is our goal that when you walk out the door at the end of the two day workshop you will be confident that you can accomplish a successful marketing plan for your business on social media.”